Follow this guide to conveniently access voicemail messages your contacts leave for you, in three ways:
- CloudCall o1 Softphone
- CloudCall o1 Mobile App
- Voicemail-to-Email Notifications
How to access inbound voicemails from the Softphone or Mobile App
1) Open the CloudCall o1 for Desktop Softphone or the CloudCall o1 for Mobile App.
2) Navigate to the Calls section and select the Voicemails tab.
3) Choose a voicemail from the list and press the Play button to listen to it.
4) While viewing a voicemail, you can:
- Call the contact back directly.
- Adjust the playback speed for quicker review.
- Delete the voicemail if no longer needed.
How to access inbound voicemails via Voicemail-to-Email Notifications
This feature makes it easy to quickly review voicemails using the email transcript, respond promptly with the callback details provided, and keep records by saving the MP3 attachment for future reference.
1) In the CloudCall o1 Workspace, an administrator can enable New Voicemail Email Notifications for your account under Settings > Permissions > Additional Settings.
2) Once enabled, you will receive an email notification from a noreply address whenever you get a new voicemail.
3) Your Voicemail Notification Email will contain:
Subject Line: Caller's name (EXTERNAL CALLER ID NAME), number they called from (CALLER NUMBER), recipient number they dialed (DID RECIPIENT NUMBER).
Email Body:
- Sender and Timestamp: Who called, the number they used to call you, and the time and date of the call.
- Message Transcription: Below the call details, you’ll find a transcription of the voicemail. This lets you quickly review the message content without needing to listen to the audio.
- A downloadable MP3 file of the voicemail
- Ex file name 019cl212112541601c40e8c2fc.mp3
- You can play the MP3 or download it
Example of a Voicemail-to-Email notification:
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