Campaign Paused- The campaign is currently inactive.
Connected - The call is successfully connected to an agent.
Que Full - The Que is full
Campaign Closed- Schedule for the campaign in close (e.g. business hours 9-5)
Campaign Holiday: Hits a holiday exception (e.g. bank holiday , company away day)
Que Time Exceed: Caller has been waiting in the que for the maximum que time set.
Caller Terminated (welcome message) - Caller hung up during welcome message.
Caller Terminated (queueing message) - Caller hung up during reoccurring queueing message.
Caller Terminated (unanswered campaign) - Caller hung up having reached the closed message or a redirect message.
Caller Terminated (dialling agent) - Caller hung up during hold/ringing music.
Agent Terminated - User hung up.
No agents logged in - No agents logged in to the campaign.
No agents available - All agents are on existing calls.
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