To generate a Staff report.
Log in to the portal as the admin user, or a user with permissions to access reporting (notes on this at the end of the document)
On the left-hand side of the Portal, there is an orange headed section labelled ‘Control’, inside here, click ‘Reporting’
Under ‘Reporting’ click on ‘Staff Reports’
In ‘Account/Group’ select ‘All Accounts’ to report on everyone. You can also select an individual user, or a department from the bottom of the list if you only wish to report on one department.
In ‘Call Direction’, select ‘Outgoing Calls’, ‘Incoming Calls’, or ‘All Calls’.
Click in the date panel to the right of ‘From’, select today’s date, and move the sliders at the bottom to select the time. The top slider is the hour, the bottom slider the minutes. All the way to the left on both is midnight.
Repeat this process in the box to the right of ‘To’, selecting today’s date and the desired end time of the report.
Please only search for periods of 3 months at a time to avoid the server timing out!
Click ‘Search’
After a little while the report will be displayed.
On the line above the report itself, there is an ‘Export to Excel’ button. This will allow more functionality for manipulating the data. There are two options for Staff Reports. Summarised will give you the most basic view of the data. Detailed will break this down further by type of call.
To access the reporting functions from an account other than the administrator, you will need to grant permissions to them using the administrator’s account.
Log in to the portal as the administrator
In the orange topped ‘Control’ box, go to ‘Profile’ and then ‘User Permissions’.
Select the user’s name from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
On the ‘reporting’ line, click the notepad and pen icon to the left of the list of icons.
Put a tick in the ‘read only’ column of any type of report that user needs access to, in this case Contact reports.
Click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the box and then ‘close’ at the top of the box.
Repeat for all users as required.
Click ‘Update Permissions’ at the bottom of the page.
Portal Log in Details.
In the orange topped ‘Control’ box, go to ‘Configuration’ and then ‘Service Accounts’
Search for the user’s name in the top box.
Click ‘Configure’ to the right of their entry.
The user name for the portal is the ‘Login’
The password is the ‘End User Password’, you will need to click the ‘Show’ link under this entry to see this.
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